
Updating social engineering toolkit
Updating social engineering toolkit


The Under The Door Tool (UTDT) can be used to open level handle doors from the outside via reaching under the door. Now the following items are what I have included (but not limited to) MY toolkit, these can vary from pentester to pentester. This post will discuss the items I have in my toolkit bag and potentially introduce you to some helpful, handy tools.


As a pentester, I have performed 50+ physical onsite social engineering engagements over my professional career and I always bring my social engineering toolkit. Social engineering, in the context of security, is understood to mean the art of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information.One of the many services that White Oak Security offers is Onsite Social Engineering. This is a type of confidence trick for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, or computer system access. It differs from traditional cons in that often the attack is often a mere step in a more complex fraud. The Social-Engineer (SET) was created and written by David Kennedy (ReL1K) and is an open-source python-driven tool that focuses solely on attacking the weakest link in the information security chain -the human element. The attacks built into the toolkit are designed to be targeted and focused attacks against a person or organization used during a penetration test. It can also be downloaded through GitHub using the following command: The Social-Engineer Toolkit(SET) is included in the latest version of the most popular Linux distribution focused on security- BackTrack. The first step that we should take after installing BackTrack is updating the Social Engineering Toolkit.


To do so, open the terminal and change directory to the SET directory, then enter the following svn update Social Engineering Toolkit configuration U src/payloads/set_payloads/shell.windowsĪ src/payloads/set_payloads/pyinjector.binary U src/webattack/web_clone/applet.database U src/webattack/browser_exploits/gen_payload.pyĪ src/webattack/web_clone/ U src/webattack/multi_attack/multiattack.py #How to use social engineering toolkit in termux update The power of SET is in its configuration file. SET using its default settings works perfectly for most users, but advanced customization will help us to make sure that the attack vectors run without problems. So after updating SET, it’s time to edit the SET configuration file. # Define the path to MetaSploit, for example: /pentest/exploits/framework3 To open SET configuration file, Open the terminal and change the directory to config folder under the SET directory, you will find the configuration file called set_config. While looking through the configuration file, you can change any option to get the desired result. In the first option, you can change the path of where Metasploit is located.

updating social engineering toolkit

SET uses Metasploit for the payload creations, file format bugs, and for the browser exploit scenarios. By default, the Metasploit location is /opt/metasploit/msf3. # This will tell what database to use when using the MetaSploit functionality. In this option, you can choose which database Metasploit will use. # How many times SET should encode a payload if you are using standard MetaSploit encoding options By default, PostgresSQL is the default database. In this option, you can specify how many times Metasploit should encode the payload using the standard Metasploit encoding option. By default, it encodes four times before sending the payload. # The browser, however can introduce buggy results when auto migrating. # NOTE: This will make bypassuac not work properly. Migrate to a different process to get it to work. In this option, you can set auto_migrate option to on/off. ON means that the Meterpreter session will migrate to a different process.

updating social engineering toolkit updating social engineering toolkit

For example, if we got a Meterpreter session through a browser attack and the victim closed the browser, then the session will be dead.

  • #How to use social engineering toolkit in termux updateīut if auto_migrate set to ON, the Meterpreter session will migrate to another running process so if the attacker closes the browser, the session is still live.

  • Updating social engineering toolkit